Wednesday, January 31, 2018

My Latest Acrylic Painting "Dapo" as part of the ArTe aMo Exhibit

The ARTipolo Group's new set of officers for year 2018 opened the Art exhibit at Verde Resto, in Loreland Farm Resort on February 4, 2018.  With the generosity of Mr. Marinas (owner of Loreland Farm Resort), ARTipolo Art Group found a home where they can showcase their works.

For the month of February, the ARTipolo Board of Directors exhibited their original works of Art and since it is a "love month", the title of the said exhibit is "ArTe a' Mo", which combines the Filipino phrase "arte mo" - (you're artistic); and the Spanish phrase "Te a' mo" (my love).  The exhibit ran for a month and was open to everyone who's interested to view and even purchase original work of arts.

For details of the said event, below is the invitation poster.

Now, here is my piece, which I displayed for the above exhibit.  I copied this from a photo taken by a friend, Mr. Fort.   After the exhibit, I posted it in my FB account and luckily, one close friend liked it and bought it.  Since the buyer and I were brothers in faith, I gave him this piece with artist's price.  I was happy enough to give it to him.  You see, for me, appreciation of my work is the main factor that I consider before I sell my babies.  And I'm glad that "Dapo" found a new home.

Title:  "Dapo"
Medium:  Acrylic on Canvas
Size:  2X3 ft.
Date:  2018

I also accept commissioned work.  If you want to have something like this, please feel free to send me an e-mail or message me in my FB Page.

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About Rose Gob

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Hello! Thank you for reading my blog. I am Rose Gob, a Knowledge Management expert, a seasoned HR and OD practitioner, an artist and an educator by heart. I have created three (3) blogs to share articles in the field of creative arts, cooperative, social enterprise industry. But among these blogs, I write more for my art blog, During the pandemic, I was able to populate my blogs with various topics. But now, I realized that I need to focus. I hope you will give me feedback for topics that you want to learn. Send me questions and I'll try my best to answer your questions. Again, thank you for reading and please do check my blogs often. Have a great day!