Sunday, January 31, 2021

Video Tutorials: Painting with Watercolors or Poster Colors and Oil Pastel

Hello, beautiful children and adults deserving excellence! Finally, I found time to create another video, which I hope you'll find useful as you try to learn how to make art. Allow me to say that though I am not a master in arts, I still love to share what our creator had endow to your humble servant. Let us learn ARTS!

Today, we will be using your watercolor or poster colors, and oil pastel, whatever brand you have. I am sure, you have these in your schoolbags and being stuck there for a long time. Let us find a photo that you like and use it as a reference. Now, since I want to see once again mother nature in her full splendor, let me use a photo of a stream shared to us by fellow artist, Mr. Norbing Velez as a ready reference.

The materials that we will need are as follows:
1. Watercolor or Poster colors
2. Oil Pastel
3. Paper or Canvas Pad
4. Masking tape
5. Pencil for sketching
6. Eraser
7. Hardboard or a piece of plywood

Now, this is part 1 of a work-in-progress. I haven't done part two, but do stay tuned because I am determined to finish this piece and share it with all of you.

If upon watching the video, you are able to create beautiful work, please feel free to post it here or on our blog (see about info for blog address). Who knows, you may win a pad (for children only, Hehehe).


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About Rose Gob

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Hello! Thank you for reading my blog. I am Rose Gob, a Knowledge Management expert, a seasoned HR and OD practitioner, an artist and an educator by heart. I have created three (3) blogs to share articles in the field of creative arts, cooperative, social enterprise industry. But among these blogs, I write more for my art blog, During the pandemic, I was able to populate my blogs with various topics. But now, I realized that I need to focus. I hope you will give me feedback for topics that you want to learn. Send me questions and I'll try my best to answer your questions. Again, thank you for reading and please do check my blogs often. Have a great day!