Friday, August 15, 2014

Breaking the Break and Monotony...

I feel sluggish and bored of my regular job today.  I mean, I am not in the mood to write or think about my presentation for the leaders that I am going to face by next week.  But somehow, I am motivated to draw and be creative as I prepare my mind for the actual tasks that I need to do today.

I started my day looking at the outputs of my past Street Photography Photowalk.  I say to myself, "Relax... put your energy together and focus your mind".  Yet still, I found difficulty processing the words in the document that I have to read. 

While browsing, I saw the colored pictures I have selected as subjects to my painting.  But upon looking at it, I felt that the colors are too bright. So I tinker with the editing software that I have, limited to a simple photo processor because I don't have an Acrobat Photoshop in my work laptop.  As a result, here's what I have done...

Title:  Chillax - Al iz well!
Taken on June 2014 @ Intramuros, Manila.

During lunch break, I still feel weary and not so productive.  Maybe because of the Friday psyche.  It means, it's the end of the week and that job should be lighter.  But to think, my presentation is on Tuesday already and I haven't finished my Powerpoint presentation for it.  I took a deep breath and browsed for pictures over the web.  Then I saw Jang Geun Sook's picture.  I said to myself, "What a lovely face for a guy!".  I then took my pencil and drawing pad and started sketching.  Here's what I've finished:

I posted this on the web and asked my FB friends if they like the drawing. And if somebody wants it, I will be giving it away for free.  Two (2) of my friends liked it but expressed that what they want is for their pictures to be sketch.  Uh-oh!  I got free customers... meaning gratis and not commissioned work.  Hehehe.  Anyway, I still have 14 commissioned portraits that hasn't been done yet.  Got to work on it after office.

Then one friend buzzed me and told me that he liked the drawing and would love to have it.  So I said yes.  I noticed that he has a very strong resemblance to the drawing.  "So, that's the reason."  Glad to have my work appreciated.  This act also gave me the idea to give away some of my drawings or sketches that are not for sale so as to find a home for my "babies".

So if you would just follow this blog or my other accounts, you might find luck finding one drawing or painting that I would be giving away.  But if you wishes to have a customized drawing or painting, you can simply visit my FB page and message me.  I would also be selling some of my arts there.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Gift

This was the first oil painting I made when I returned to drawing and painting on 2012.  I made it as a gift to my dear friend Sharon.  It's an oil painting on canvas, size 9 X 14.

I still remember when I painted this as a gift to my friend Sharon.  I was rusty from doing arts since I haven't done any since 2005.  I thought I lost the passion for art and the skills for it.  But now that I have time and am going matured, I regain the interest to draw and paint.

Looking at this work, I saw the freshness of my approach to painting.  Now, because of too much pressure in producing pieces that I need to exhibit, I lost that freshness.  I hope I'll be able to get that feeling of happiness in working on my art pieces.  From hereon, I will undertake my paintings as way of relieving why I get back to painting.  That is to enjoy the process of producing memories on canvas and sharing it with people close to me.

As an aspiring artist, I enjoined my students to find your reason why you wanted to draw or paint.  Painting and drawing may come as a hobby for you.  But if you really love doing it, go ahead and paint.  In painting, you need to be in a zone where you get absorbed working with paint.  Lose the fear and anxiety in putting paints on canvas.  If you feel anxious, stop working.  Find the drive in your heart.  Painting should be an enjoyable process for you, but not like a game with less value.  

I hope this help you in your exploration.  Painting can be a therapy when you find yourself in your works.  When you put a paint on canvas and produce something beautiful, you will get a feeling of satisfaction.  Your feeling towards your work is like they are your "babies".  When I began creating works, I refused to part with them.  But then I learned that I will be motivated to paint more if I part with them.  

I allow myself to depart from my works but only with the condition that my work goes to someone who would cherish them.  If a person enjoyed my work, I feel happy and contented.

How do you feel when you paint?  Can you share or give them freely to others?

About Rose Gob

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Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Rose Gob—an expert in Knowledge Management, a seasoned HR and OD practitioner, an artist, and an educator. I've created three blogs to share my passion for creative arts, cooperatives, and the social enterprise industry, with most of my writing focused on my art blog, During the pandemic, I filled these spaces with various topics, but now I'm focusing on bringing you more targeted content. I’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, ask questions, and let me know what topics you want to explore. Thank you for stopping by—your feedback means the world to me. Be sure to check back often, and have a wonderful day!