Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kuya... Hyeong... Older Brother

This was an assignment for oil pastel art. I thought of drawing our "Kuya Daniel" because it would be easy to draw someone you cared for.  He has taught me a lot of things and learned how to look at the world in colorful perspective.

Thanks be to God for meeting a brother in faith like him.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

HeartStrings of an Aspiring Artist

The feelings of a person is like a gamut of different roads.  When you are lonely, you feel like being on the verge of falling as you walk a tight rope.  But when you are happy, your world is full of colors and sunshine.

It's such a wonder how music calms our soul.    Look at the works of great masters in arts... have you heard of Beethoven's melodies?  It transforms and paints pictures in your mind.  Have you seen Picasso's work?  People deep in thought find it amazing yet with a viewer like me (shallow as I may say,) I don't really see it beautiful.  I want to paint light's spectrums, colors and happiness.  That's how it would be for me.  The angst, depressions and sorrow is not something I behold.  Because it lack lights... lack pleasures... it feels dark.  I don't want to be in the dark.

Don't get me wrong though.  I don't abhor their works nor repulse it. I see some works amazing like the realism of Gottfried Helnwein but it's not something that I would want to aspire for.  Maybe because I am female and prefers the subtleness and lightness of Vladimir Volegov's paintings.  Or maybe... because I am not much of an artist...

Anyway, what I am sharing today was one I made when I was working alone on fieldwork and I don't have the luxury of the digital things to entertain me while enclosed in the confines of my four-walled hotel room.

Here's "HeartStrings" for my pleasure... and hope it will be the same for you.  I regret the day when I sold it.  But rationalizing, I hope and believe that the buyer of this piece would care and cherish it.

Now, for practicality and to educate myself in "Letting Go", I tried sharing limited copies of this online.  I don't know if I would be able to make a sale out of its prints... but how would I know if I will not try?

So here is my online store: RoseGobsArt

Once again, thank you for reading. 

About Rose Gob

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Hello! Thank you for reading my blog. I am Rose Gob, a Knowledge Management expert, a seasoned HR and OD practitioner, an artist and an educator by heart. I have created three (3) blogs to share articles in the field of creative arts, cooperative, social enterprise industry. But among these blogs, I write more for my art blog, During the pandemic, I was able to populate my blogs with various topics. But now, I realized that I need to focus. I hope you will give me feedback for topics that you want to learn. Send me questions and I'll try my best to answer your questions. Again, thank you for reading and please do check my blogs often. Have a great day!